Friday, August 17

Headline Porn Triumphant

I finally got my bluetooth situation under control, which means it's Headline Porn time!!! You didn't think I'd forgotten about your fix, did you? 'course not. It's an obsession now. Enjoy the cream of the current crap:

And he worked so hard to get there. Precious. God, this is so effing precious, I could cry. I don't suppose he realized he was climbing to his death? Akyat that bahay, bitch!

Christmas come early! Thank the gods for this, my Headline Porn™ tabloid of choice. Ang Playboy strikes again! Another piping hot mess served up for your consumption. I couldn't get a decent shot because if I took that paper down from where it was hanging, the fruit lady would've chased me out for being a perverted freak.