Sunday, October 7

Headline Porn

Got a glimpse of this on GMA's Weekend Report, so I had to check it out. The interweb has been showing crazy stuff lately. Damn, is it Pick on Pinoy Week or something? Harsh. Not sure if I believe the comments on this one, but this went out on the Jon Stewart show sometime last August. Had to do with "Is America Ready for a Woman President" or some such. See, this confirms it. The bigwigs of the country are digging stuff up so we can shift our focus from current corruption hoohahs!

Poor Cory. She goes to church a lot. Woman didn't pray her knees raw just to be Perez-ised on the Jon Stewart Show... if it makes it any better, they did the same to Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher. Prime company, that. And some comments say they wouldn't have minded it so much if the picture used had been of her daughter, Kris.

HAHAHAHAH! Oh, snap! Don't hate, you know he has a point.

Dom's post reminded me I've been neglecting my duties as purveyor of Headline Porn™. I do still look around for lurid stuff, but nothing's been lurid enough to qualify. Still, this is hot enough, so consider this your Headline Porn of the day.